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partnership development

Collaborating with some of the world’s leading nonprofits, philanthropies, artists, and tech organizations, I have produced interactive workshops, learning programs, and live exhibits that introduce new audiences to exciting resources and brands.

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 Through partnerships with brands like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Twitter, and Amnesty International, I have crafted unique learning opportunities for activists and journalists on a variety of pressing topics, including narrative change,

Through partnerships with brands like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Twitter, and Amnesty International, I have crafted unique learning opportunities for activists and journalists on a variety of pressing topics, including narrative change, internet censorship, sustainable fashion, and social media harassment.

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FIREWALL Pop-Up Exhibition & Internet Cafe

FIREWALL Pop-Up Exhibition & Internet Cafe

In 2017, Spikersuppa Park visitors learned firsthand about online censorship through the FIREWALL art project by Joyce Yu-Jean Lee and Dan Phiffer. This interactive pop-up internet cafe let users directly compare who how the Great Firewall operates in China versus Google in Norway.

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